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Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universities

Global Alliance of Entrepreneurial Universities

  • The world is changing so rapidly – how can we create new global collaborations and grow our networks?
  • How can I support my university and students to adapt to an ever-changing world?
  • As a university leader I need to be able to respond wisely, but where can I turn to gather knowledge of the global environment, locality and wider innovation landscape?
  • What resources are available to gain confidence and expertise in spearheading change transformation in my university?
  • Where can I find support to take my entrepreneurial leadership skills to the next level?

The Global Alliance helps our universities be at the vanguard of new thinking and initiatives, raises their visibility and profile, develops their staff and supports their engagement in managed and funded international opportunities.

As well as being part of an invaluable wider network, our members have access to a wide range of resources including online materials, publications and reports, managed and funded international programmes, generous member discounts on all events and professional development opportunities and dedicated member only activities.

Your influence in shaping the agenda is via the Alliance Advisory Group,  as well as engagement in our programmes, roundtables and discussions. Premium members have access to our exclusive Member’s Area.

Global Alliance

Our members span multiple continents, and work together to drive societal impact. Learn more about our Premium and Free member institutions.

In unprecedented times of change being a member of an organisation that brings entrepreneurship in higher education to the fore is more important than ever. Being able to respond rapidly to a changing world is the way in which a modern higher education sector will flourish in the UK and around the globe. As a member of the NCEE we have access to like-minded people with whom we can share and develop thinking. On a personal level working with fellow HE leaders and reflecting on leadership as an act rather than purely an intellectual pursuit has been essential as we face unprecedented challenges.
Ian Dunn
Provost, Coventry University
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