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Endorsements from our partners

Endorsements from our partners

Entrepreneurial ways of thinking and working have never been more in demand in Higher Education. It was very valuable to bring together senior leaders for whom entrepreneurial behaviours and mindsets are essential, to share their experiences, challenge orthodoxies and enable a wider understanding of sector leadership.

Provocative, relevant and timely, I valued hugely my time on the programme. It’s been fascinating to watch the career trajectories of those in my cohort (and their institutions) and living proof of the impact of the course.

It has been a real privilege to hear from so many Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice-Chancellors and Pro-Vice-Chancellors about their experience of entrepreneurial leadership in a wide range of HEIs. I have also valued the opportunity to learn from other leaders focused on ‘future thinking’.  The need to undertake a personal project as part of the programme ensures active learning and is helping me to make a difference through something I believe in. I am now looking forward to being part of the Alumni Network and staying in touch with my tutor group.

It changed the way I think about entrepreneurialism and university education. Well worth doing!

An excellent programme to understand HE education and provokes innovative thinking. A great opportunity for meaningful networks.

A great opportunity to “STOP” re-evaluate your beliefs & values and have confidence in taking risks.

This course has provided a unique opportunity to meet with, network and learn from a wide range of sector professionals. This course has inspired me to think differently about my leadership role and the influence I have on the future of my university.

An excellent opportunity to hear from thought leaders in the sector and develop your own approaches to leadership.

A great opportunity to have your mindset and leadership practice challenged to move into a more entrepreneurial mode, in the company of some very stimulating peers.

This is an excellent course that has encouraged me to look at my own leadership style and identify ways that I can be more entrepreneurial in my approach. The course included an excellent range of speakers and a very engaged group of participants.

The networks and connections made during the programme are invaluable, for me this has been the most valuable aspect of the programme.

An excellent resource for development: a stimulating programme that will equip you to engage effectively in a challenging environment.

This course has transformed my belief in myself as a leader and entrepreneurship. The best leadership course I’ve attended.

It was fascinating: thought-provoking and challenging (in a good way). Its concept of entrepreneurship is collegiate and yet allows individual exploration.

It is amazing how this course has brought together so many Vice-Chancellors and policy makers who have been so generous and willing to share such incredible insights.

To hear from serving vice-chancellors about the lived experience of leading change in a variety of different institutions is the best way of learning about entrepreneurial leadership, and a real privilege.

Excellent, fun learning from colleagues, facilitators and fabulous speakers.

A well-organised, expertly facilitated and stimulating experience. An opportunity to expand your network and learn new concepts and ideas.

An incredibly valuable course which increased my understanding of higher education in relation to specific institutions and the wider sector.  It inspired me to challenge my ‘norm’ and find alternative solutions.  Most of all a fantastic network of professional colleagues and friends.

I loved the open and collaborative atmosphere that gave everyone permission to be curious, ask the difficult questions and get honest answers from some very experienced speakers and fellow delegates.

Excellent programme that gave me a new way of innovative thinking and enactment.

It provided an excellent opportunity to get to know a small group of university leaders with whom I am very comfortable discussing personal and professional challenges – invaluable.

A stimulating experience which allows participants to think and reflect outside the parameters of their day to day job.

The programme gives access to leaders of a wide range of institutions, providing you with a behind the curtains look at how they have approached challenges, and sharing their learning.

The Entrepreneurial Leaders course was one of the most unexpected, valuable and exciting courses I’ve participated in for years. Connecting with other senior leaders and gaining insights from Vice-Chancellors all within a high trust, Chatham House rules environment provides unique insight into our rapidly developing sector.

There is no other course like this where you get to listen to and interact with such a wide range of vice-chancellors and senior higher education leaders, speaking openly and candidly about the challenges across the sector and their implementation of innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to addressing such. The network developed as part of the course is invaluable.

A truly inspiring, enriching and well organised experience.

Very well organised and put together, stimulating speakers and engaging colleagues.

I feel much more confident as a leader. I know more about how universities work and how they lead.

A great opportunity to reflect on one’s personal competence, the leadership ability and ways in which to overcome challenges in a more motivational manner.

A fantastic opportunity for shared learning amongst thoughtful and inspiring peers. Really insightful and stimulating presenters who give honest and forthright views about their role on the sector.

An opportunity to come together win like-minded leaders to listen and learn from each other.

The programme helped me reflect on my own institution and my own leadership practice. Gained some really useful insights into other institutions and approaches to entrepreneurialism.

The programme has given me confidence in an entrepreneurial leadership approach. I have this instinctively, I think, but the programme has reinforced a mind-set and set of actions.

The Entrepreneurial Leaders Programme has given me an unrivalled access to leaders in the Higher Education and an ability to further develop my leadership network.

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