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The latest news and blogs from NCEE
What Makes Kingston University an Entrepreneurial University?
In the fourth of our series Kingston University describes why they have been shortlisted for the UK’s Outstanding Entrepreneurial University of the Year.
What Makes Swansea University an Entrepreneurial University?
In the third of our series Swansea University describes why they have been shortlisted for the UK’s Outstanding Entrepreneurial University of the Year.
What Makes Royal Northern College of Music an Entrepreneurial University?
In the second of our series Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) describes why they have been shortlisted for the UK’s Outstanding Entrepreneurial University of the Year.
What Makes Brunel an Entrepreneurial University?
In the first of our series Brunel University describes why they have been shortlisted for the UK’s Outstanding Entrepreneurial University of the Year.
NCEE research highlighted in Professor Sally Mapstone’s UUK conference speech
We were pleased to see our research featured in the recent speech by Professor Sally Mapstone DBE, President of Universities UK, at the UUK annual conference last week.
The importance of universities in leadership of communities
Our latest leadership article with HEPI is from Adam Doyle, Head of Business Engagement and Employability, at the University of Derby Much of the focus upon university leadership has historically
Leading with Impact: how universities can maximise their impact on place
In our latest leadership article with HEPI, Richard Calvert, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Sheffield Hallam University, explores the challenge of understanding how we make a difference to the towns and cities
The Necessary Imagination: a new educational dialectic
Our latest thought provoking leadership article with HEPI is from Professor Andy Salmon, Pro Vice Chancellor External at Bath Spa University “The imagination loses vitality as it ceases to adhere
Building collaborative leadership across the centre-local divide
This blog was kindly authored by Professor Helen Laville, Provost at Kingston University, and is part of a series of HEPI / NCEE blogs on entrepreneurial leadership. In my last
Innovation in student unions
This blog has been kindly written for NCEE by John Abell, Chief Executive of Coventry University Students’ Union, and is part of HEPI’s current series of blogs with NCEE. Entrepreneurship
Location, Location, Location: How does this impact on entrepreneurial leadership in higher education?
This blog has been kindly written for NCEE by Professor Lynn Martin, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Anglia Ruskin University, and is part of the current series of blogs
Making Arts And Humanities Matter
The latest guest blog in our series on leadership with HEPI is by Professor Abigail Woods, Pro Vice Chancellor / Head of College of Arts at the University of Lincoln.