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The latest news and blogs from NCEE
The University Of Strathclyde: A 200-Year Old Start-Up
In our latest article showcasing those universities shortlisted for the THE Awards Outstanding Entrepreneurial University 2022, Fiona Ireland Head of Entrepreneurship Strategy at the University of Strathclyde looks at about
Entrepreneurship As A Driver Of Civic Value In Universities
This blog was kindly contributed by Professor Kevin Kerrigan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Business and Enterprise, Sheffield Hallam University. It is the second in our series of blogs on leadership in partnership
De Montfort University Empower Students And Staff To Do Things Differently
In our first article showcasing those universities shortlisted for the THE Awards Outstanding Entrepreneurial University 2022, we look at how De Montfort University empower students and staff to do things
Permeable Leadership: The Route To Innovation In University Practice
Over the next 10 weeks HEPI will be running a series of leadership blogs in partnership with the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE). For more than 10 years,
The Start Of A New Year: Invest In Yourself And Your Development
A hang up of attending school and university and then working in higher education I always think of September as a new year. It’s a time when many of us
What Is The State Of Enterprise In UK Higher Education?
We’ve been tracking enterprise provision in higher education for over a decade. These snapshots tell a story of a landscape undergoing unprecedented change and reflect a key message: that enterprise
The Future Is Entrepreneurial
65% of students have considered starting or have started their own company according to a report launched today by The Entrepreneurs Network in partnership with Octopus Group. But here’s the
Talking Leadership Webinar Series Launch
Our new webinar series Talking Leadership will be launching on Wednesday 4th March 1-2.30pm with an exciting round table discussion with winners of the Times Higher Education Outstanding Entrepreneurial University
University Regeneration Activity In Four Visualisations
The Levelling Up White Paper promises to ‘transform derelict urban sites into beautiful communities’, to boost people’s skills, and support local businesses. It also includes a commitment to ‘vastly simplify
The Challenges Facing Higher Education Leaders
What are the ideal traits of a university leader? Our survey data suggests exceptional time management and an ability to manage continual change and complex challenges are probably a good
How The Pandemic Will Shape University Leaders And Their Institutions
This blog was contributed by James Ransom, Head of Research at NCEE and a doctoral candidate at UCL Institute of Education. In a new report on entrepreneurial leadership, to be
First Thoughts On The Government’s Flagship Levelling Up White Paper
The next White Paper arriving in the UK is the delayed Department for Levelling Up strategy calling at the red wall, ‘left behind’ places, and forgotten communities First thoughts on