Society of Entrepreneurial Leaders
The Society of Entrepreneurial Leaders is a global, independent professional association for leaders in education. We are a voice for entrepreneurial leaders who are committed to advancing excellence in leadership.
The Society connects thought leaders across the world who are exploring best practices and novel approaches to leadership and strategy which champion, promote and enable entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurial Leadership is a never-ending journey. The Society will help members be aware of emerging concepts and stay informed of new exciting insights and thinking. Through our network, members can interact and support each other positively, consider new ideas and have conversations that helps them to think more deeply about their place, context and organisation. There is a real strength in our community, as we have an inclusive membership who are engaged in a wide range of education roles and strategic projects of roles all working together.
The Learned Society is designed to be a diverse community of exceptional entrepreneurial leaders. You will be part of a network which is committed to becoming better leaders by reflecting on key issues and developing solutions within a community with the core values of enterprise, honesty, openness, trust and respect.
Recent events have included topics such as large-scale change management and professional networking.
All members of the Society will be designated as Fellow of Entrepreneurial Leadership.
Fellow of Entrepreneurial Leadership
Fellows are invited to join. They will:
- Be a graduate of our Entrepreneurial University Leaders programme (or one of our equivalent programmes) and, or
- Clearly demonstrate entrepreneurial leadership
Fellowships are awarded on an annual basis. Fellows are required to pay the annual membership fee in full at the time of appointment. All fellows will be profiled of on our website. Membership will run on an annual anniversary date, meaning membership is valid for one year from the time that you join and will be renewed automatically (unless you inform us otherwise).
Members will be invited to join our Entrepreneurial University Leadership Day. This year to be held on the 14 May 2025 in London. More about the day can be found here.
As a Fellow you agree to actively participate in the Society. This can include:
- Attendance at our annual Entrepreneurial Leadership Day
- Contribution to articles, blogs and commentary on entrepreneurial leadership
- Speaking and presenting at our Entrepreneurial Leadership Programmes
- Helping to shape content and new leadership initiatives
Membership is included as part of the Entrepreneurial University Leaders Programme, or equivalent (for the first year after graduation).
Free membership is also available for eligible candidates who sign up for our Entrepreneurial Leadership Day. Let us know when you sign up that you are interested.
The benefits of the fellowship are:
- International recognition of your entrepreneurial leadership
- Opportunities to network with other leaders within education
- Career development, with opportunities to grow and progress
- Regular insights and information entrepreneurial leadership within education
- Directory of membership
Membership includes:
- A place on our Entrepreneurial Leadership Day. Held annually speakers have included leaders from private, public and education sectors
- Access to our network of entrepreneurial leaders
- Opportunities for articles, blogs and commentaries
- Speaker opportunities
- Profile and recognition
- Designation
Fellowship Fees:
Annual fees quoted below do not include VAT.
- Graduate Membership - £150
- Available to all graduates of the Entrepreneurial University Leaders programme (or equivalent). Future graduates will automatically be awarded a fellowship for 12 months upon graduation.
- Individual Member - £150 plus £75 application fee
- Available to individuals aligned with the field of entrepreneurship education.
- Retired Professional - £100
- Available to those who have held membership previously but have retired from education.
**Repeat subscribers will receive a 25% annual discount.
We are in the process of applying to be included on the list of professional bodies and learned societies approved for tax relief. We will let you know when this is confirmed. In the meantime do refer to HMRC regarding your own circumstances.
Sign up:
To apply for an Fellow of Entrepreneurial Leadership and membership of the Society we would ask you to complete the application form.

Professor Adam Shore
Director of Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University

Professor Socrates Karidis
Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Coventry University and the CEO, Coventry University London

Adam Doyle
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor of Careers and Employer Engagement, University of East London

Dr Gosia Mitka
Vice-Dean of Engagement, Partnerships and Social Responsibility, St Andrews Business School, University of St Andrews

Dr Track Dinning
Associate Dean of Education and Head of Undergraduate programmes, Liverpool John Moores University

Professor Ahmed Nawaz Hakro
Professor of Economics and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Middle East College

Professor Sara Spear
Provost and Chief Academic Officer, St Mary’s University Twickenham