As part of the most significant contributions that the University has made to Dominican society, the following can be pointed out:
To be a space for open dialogue and agreement between the different social sectors of the country, with a view to establishing agreements on the national agenda and finding peaceful solutions to priority problems.
Contribute to the improvement of Dominican education, through:
Contribute to the improvement of Dominican education, through:
The development of action-research projects that contribute to improving teaching practice and students’ cognitive skills.
Carrying out research in the areas of Basic Sciences, especially in Physics and Mathematics, contributing new knowledge to them, as well as in other areas.
Promoting the development of reading and writing in the first levels of training, among other initiatives.
The implementation of a successful financial aid program, which has allowed talented students to access a quality education, but who lack financial resources.
The development of community service programs for education and prevention of social, environmental and health problems, in the most disadvantaged areas and with the greatest risks.
Having been a pioneer in offering innovative study programs, in response to the development needs of the country, through comprehensive training, promoting Christian values and ethical and moral principles in its students, as well as developing their artistic potential and ability of leadership. The careers in which the University was a precursor are:
Business Administration
Hotel Administration
Public administration
Geology and Mining Engineering
Electromechanical engineering
Electronic Engineering
Telematics Engineering
Industrial engineering
Computer and systems engineering
Engineering Technology
Social work