Neil is an effective strategic leader of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where his focus is on building enterprise through every subject domain, leading to sustainable entrepreneurial outcomes.
Gaining recognition for his A to Z of enterprise through the Curriculum in 2013, he has gone on to hold senior positions delivering service enhancement linked to improving Graduate Outcomes. His understanding of both research and innovation, and teaching and learning has placed him in the unique leadership roles in innovation. This has enabled him to deliver many academic programmes that deliver creative solutions for real world problems, whilst structuring high performing teams in both employer engagement and entrepreneurship support at two Russell Group universities.
He holds Fellowships from NCEE’s International Enterprise Educators Programme (FIEEP), Enterprise Educations UK (EEUK), Staff and Educational Development Association (FSEDA) and is a qualified teacher in learning and skills (QTLS). In 2023 he was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of EEUK for his work in the field.